Who to Contact When Facing Redundancy

Below is a streamlined list of essential contacts and services for employees navigating redundancy, with key details on operational scope and support mechanisms.

Section 1: Legal and Procedural Guidance 

Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) 


  • Free, confidential advice on redundancy rights, including statutory pay, consultation rules, and tribunal deadlines.
  • Mediation support for disputes.


  • Telephone: 0300 123 1100
  • Textphone: 18001 0300 123 1100

Section 2: Financial Redress and Insolvency Support 

Redundancy Payments Service (RPS) 


  • Claims processing for statutory redundancy pay and unpaid wages during employer insolvency.


  • Telephone: 0330 331 0020

Citizens Advice Debt Helpline 


  • Crisis budgeting and debt management support.


  • Telephone: 0800 240 4420
  • Relay UK: 18001 0800 240 4420

Section 3: Mental Health and Emotional Support 



  • Confidential emotional support for stress, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts.


  • Telephone: 116 123 (24/7)

Section 4: Sector-Specific Assistance 

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) 


  • Investigates labor exploitation in agriculture and related sectors


  • Via Acas helpline referral

Key Considerations 

  • Acas: Use textphone/Relay UK for hearing or speech impairments.
  • RPS: Prepare P45 and redundancy notices before calling.
  • Samaritans: Available 24/7; some branches offer in-person support.

Immediate Action Steps 

  1. Documentation: Secure redundancy letters, payslips, and meeting notes.
  2. Priority Contacts: Start with Acas for rights clarification, then RPS if insolvency is suspected.
  3. Mental Health: Contact Samaritans during acute distress.

For tribunal claims, note the 3-month deadline post-dismissal. Employees in financial crisis may inquire about Universal Credit advances via Citizens Advice.